Orga Products
Orga Products farm manager Frans Hamman finds that working with independent grain market advisors CRM AgriCommodities helps them make more sense of both the global and local markets – saving time and hitting a higher profit margin through making more confident marketing decisions at more strategic times, whilst managing risks appropriately.
Following a successful two-year working relationship with CRM AgriCommodities, Frans says: “We have always marketed our grain ourselves rather than in the pool systems. We use CRM Agri and their farmer focused platform Graintab to make more sense of the markets; their completely independent, well researched opinions and advice makes it an easier task than in the past and saves a lot of time researching world markets. Ultimately, we have total confidence following their advice, knowing that they are independent and close to the market.
“For Orga Products, the value in working with CRM AgriCommodities comes in seeing increased profitability from our pricing strategies, being able to make informed decisions based on the world market from analysis that is usually well ahead of any other publication.”
Orga Products is a family owned 525ha enterprise, comprising 465ha arable cropping (winter wheat, rye, OSR, spring barley) and 60ha of salads and herbs. Managed by Frans, the business is owned by Richard Kerby, who has been a tenant on the Alscot Estate, Warwickshire for over 20 years. With one other full- time member of staff, Dave Tomes, and two seasonal staff for harvest, saving time is a priority for Frans, reducing time in the farm office. Director Richard has also attended one of CRM AgriCommodities’ grain marketing courses to better understand the different market influences and be even more confident in selling decisions.
Delivering accurate and timely analysis is at the heart of CRM AgriCommodities’ commitment to their members, simplifying and making the global markets more transparent. To focus on delivering 100% independent and unbiased insights, CRM AgriCommodities do not trade for themselves, this is a rare attribute within domestic grain markets.
“Most definitely the goal is to get the most for me as farmer without having to consider any other influences; that is why working with James and his team, who are completely independent, is crucial to our working relationship,” explains Frans.
CRM Agri, offer market analysis, grain marketing advisory services, online Graintab platform, training academy and joint marketing groups for farmers, advisors, consumers and multinationals throughout the UK, Europe and the Black Sea.
For all press enquiries, contact Amy Woolliscroft awoolliscroft@crm-group.co.uk 07858 656444