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Graintab > Blog
20 Oct
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In the Defra June Survey for England, a recovery in wheat yields, higher than would have been expected given the challenging conditions of drought…

07 Oct
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Grain markets have remained volatile over the past week…

08 Sep
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As the 2022/23 harvest is nearing completion in the Northern Hemisphere and rapidly approaching for Australia, updated official area and production estimates are providing…

26 Aug
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With limited liquidity and sellers of options based on UK feed wheat futures, we explore whether using Paris milling wheat as an…

25 Aug
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The highly anticipated US ProFarmer tour commenced this week. With what has been such a varied season for US corn, with drought in central…

02 Aug
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In general, it was a relatively bearish day for grains and oilseeds as the USDA’s crop progress report revealed better than anticipated crop condition…

18 Jul
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Markets were somewhat of a mixed bag today as wheat prices received a boost, potentially from some overselling following the positive talks around the…

13 Jul
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Following yesterday’s initially bearish WASDE, markets have found some support today. Hot weather continues to present a concern for Europe and central US states, although more encouraging forecasts see…

12 Jul
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WASDE Overview In what was a broadly bearish grain WASDE, markets have come under pressure due to increased North America grain production confidence, offsetting a…

11 Jul
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Initially, off to a strong start, the wheat market rally of late last week failed to translate into a continued push higher by this…

07 Jul
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Despite bearish sentiment flooding markets this week, a slight rally recovered some loses, although prices are still down from the start of the week.…